In support of the persecuted

Before I start off this post, I’d like to offer my utmost condolences to the victims and their family, friends, colleagues of the sickening acts of terrorism the world witnessed this past weekend (13/11/15) in Paris, France and also in Beirut, Lebanon which has (combined) left 170+ killed with hundreds more injured in attacks which truly shocked the world to a standstill. I’d also like to commend the brave men and women in the emergency services, in the aid sector and the public of whom helped victims seeking safe refuge and help from these attacks; the “unsung and forgotten” heroes in these atrocities.

With that being said, the following was originally a Facebook status I posted last night (November 16, 2015) but decided to also post as a blog to make the post public and to let my views “get out there” and reach a larger audience.

Social media right now has become a despicable, hate-mongered and just all out racist platform to be on right now. So I’d like to react accordingly:

I, personally, would like to apologize for the harsh reality that society is only too quick to judge and paint all with the same brush when reacting to this weekends tragic events. I, and others, know that ISIS is NOT what Islam is about and that their atrocities are acts of which you do not agree with. Their acts of which they proclaim to be “holy acts of war in the name of Islam” is just a guise to justify what they are doing when, in reality, their actions are unforgivable, barbaric, cold blooded and cowardly acts of terrorism. I hope that each and every person who follows Islam carries on following their religion, walk the streets with your head held high and to not be ashamed of the religion of which you choose to practice due to the words of the narrow-minded and the belligerent. You should never, ever, allow the words and posts on social media of the hate-filled question who you are as a person and your value to society. 

“Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” – Quran 5:32

United as one, divided by zero.

In support of the persecuted

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