What is happiness to you?

Happiness. What is the meaning of this one spectrum of emotions that everyone desires and wants in life? I’m not talking about what the word is defined as in the dictionary but rather what it means in a literal sense to an individual? Is it complementing someone for the way they’ve styled yourself today or asking whether someone is OK when they are feeling down? Is it holding the door for someone or offering your seat on the bus for someone who is elderly, disabled or pregnant? Is it giving some change into a charity box or giving a little tip to the minimum wage retail worker who just served you during the Christmas madness? See what’s to say that just helping someone, who may or may not be in a lower place in life than you, can’t make you feel happy and at the same time feel good that you may have made someone’s day through something that’s so menial despite maybe it not being one of our best days? Do we have to live in a way that we should only look out for number one and that as long as we, in ourselves, feel happiness then that is fine and we needn’t worry about others? I mean, sure, there are some things that can bring happiness to oneself like buying that one thing you’ve seen in the window of your favourite shop but what’s to say happiness needs a monetary value in a world where it seems everything we do has some sort of money cost when happiness can be given by such little things without money really needed to be involved?

So the next time you see someone down, ask them if they’re alright and offer an ear to listen to their troubles even if they don’t want to speak about what’s going on. When you see someone collecting money for charity in the town centre, pop that little bit of pocket change you may have spare in there and say well done for what they’re doing. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that can make a person’s day.

What is happiness to you?